Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hey! That's MY money! You have enough!

During my skim of the daily Yahoo articles I saw one about the recent wedding of the Princess (and future Queen) of Sweden.

I don't know about you, but I like the idea of Princesses and Princes and blah, blah, blah. That being the case I had to click on the link to look at pictures of the royal wedding. It was typical of a royal wedding I guess...Princess in her gown with her extra-long veil...lots of guests in attendance...parade in a horse-drawn carriage. The usual. It looked pretty expensive...I guess it was pretty expensive actually...$2.4 million. I'd say it's more than I plan on spending on my wedding. Then again, I'm not a princess and marrying into royalty certainly doesn't look like it's going to be in my future either.

So anyhow, after I finished with the pictures, I scrolled down to the comments section. That's usually not a smart move for me and I acknowledge that I'm just trying to seek out a comment that gets me riled up! Well...


Some guy posted a comment about how sickening it was that these people spent all that money on a 'royal' wedding when it should have been used for something charity or something. He also made sure to clarify that he was in fact a good person since he donates to charity.

Ok, so I'm paraphrasing....things weren't worded exactly like that, but that was the general gist of it...with some sarcasm thrown in.

Alright, let me start off by saying that I have no problem with charities. I think it's fantastic that people will start charities to benefit others and that people willingly give their money or time or both to help others less fortunate than themselves. I think it's excellent that there are people out there who are living from paycheck to paycheck who still save a little bit of money to be able to donate to a charity.

I also have to say that I would probably agree with him on one thing. If every ridiculously wealthy person donated the money they would otherwise spend on a new lamborghini or their 10th car, many people/animals/whatever would benefit immensely. That's about the only thing I'd agree with him on.

When did we become a society of busybodies who need to constantly tell others what to do? Who has the right to tell someone what they can spend their money on? Would it be excellent if every multi millionaire decided to donate half their paycheck to charity? Absolutely. It would be inspiring and generous and everything nice. You know what though? That's their choice to make; no one else can make that choice for them. If they choose to be 'selfish' and keep their money to spend on themselves only, well that's that then. Would I make a different decision if I were in their place? Absolutely. I absolutely believe in donating to charities, to helping others less fortunate...but that's me, and my opinion can only speak for me. I am certainly not so arrogant to believe I have the right to tell someone else how to spend their money.

Since when does being disadvantaged entitle you to someone else's wealth? I can't stand this sense of entitlement people have these days. Since when does HAVING money mean you have to feel guilty for spending any of it on yourself?

I lost my job and can't find another one...looks like you still have yours though! Give me money.

My husband was controlling and seem to have a pretty good life though! Give me money.

I have a terminal still have your health AND money though! Give me money.

What do these things have in common?

1. They're unfortunate situations to be in
2. It would be incredibly nice of someone to help people in these situations
3. NONE of these situations ENTITLE someone to another person's money!

I guess I just don't understand how some people's idea of a perfect world is one where everyone has exactly the same amount of money and no one is allowed to have more than someone else. Whether you're a drunk or a doctor, a waitress, a sales assistant, a lawyer, an engineer, a teacher...none of that matters. The only thing that determines how much money you deserve is how much less you have compared to someone else. That seems silly to me.

Some people are just lucky and are born into wealth...or they fall into wealth...either way they didn't have to work very hard. Some people work incredibly hard and by some stroke of luck, they make it BIG. Regardless of how you got your money, it's YOURS, not mine, not anyone else's.

Sharing should be a willing gesture...not forced...not something people are guilted into. After all, we do supposedly have freewill right?
It's funny how some people can honestly believe they stand for freedom and yet have no problem whatsoever in thinking people shouldn't be allowed to spend their own money on what they want. How easily people will infringe upon the freedoms of others...and eventually...unwittingly...relinquish their own.

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